Saturday, December 08, 2007

Not Needed

Yup you got it I "fell off the wagon" again....but come on now who ISN'T busy right now? Yeah, yeah I know thats no excuse, but it sounded good anyway.

So I don't have much to blog on right now other than the fact that its 10:30 and my brain is full of mush right now. Today we had our dress rehersal for the Christmas Program tomorrow night. YIKES Yeah today was a LITTLE on the rough side (to say the least). I find it hilarious how the kids know the first couple of words to the begining of the song, and they're sung at somewhat of a soft level.....the middle is complete mubo jumbo and then the last couple of words of the song are complete yelling. Do you get the picture?? Yeah thats exactly what we've got...Can't wait to see how it all comes together tomorrow night.


How are the plays coming together in your home town?


Falling LEAVes said...

I didn't get to the program this year (work) but it heard it was only about 35 minutes long ... compared to what it was supposed to be originally. Long story there. Short story? The original program was scrapped so a new one was made up the week before the dress rehearsal.

Stacy said...

Ok you MUST blog about it or fill me in. What happened with the original play that it was thrown out that close to the dress rehearsal. I can't even imagine what that must have been like for the one in charge.