Monday, June 25, 2007


Ok so as I was trying to get a good nights rest the other night before another long day at work (and it was already late). Well apparently the parents in my apartment complex feel that when their kids are on summer break, so should the REST of the apartment complex! If I'm not mistaken it was about 12:30 and wouldn't you know it, a group of little braty kids decided it was play time. From the sounds of it they were having a wonderful time out on the play structure, while I on the other hand was trying to get some sleep, much needed by the way!

On a side note I am glad that it's summer because that means the pool is open and the kids are more likely to be playing at the pool than on the play structure (which is right below my window). So for that I am thankful.....

1 comment:

Falling LEAVes said...

sounds like the parents in your complex know how to control their kids just as much as the parents in my store! The other day, my boss and I had to talk to a kid four times ... each. She was ready to say something to the mom because her kid was NOT behaving in our store. Then there was this other kid slamming the little cabinet door we have in our bathroom shut, over and over ...