Saturday, April 01, 2006

San Fran...

is such a fun little city to visit. We took my mom over there on Monday to do the whole "tourist" thing. What's a trip to San Fran with out eating at Buba Gumps? GREAT SHRIMP (duh, it's called Buba Gumps for a reason) So yeah we of course ate there and had an awesome view that overlooked the bay with Alcatraz out in the middle. I highly recomend you go there if you've never eaten at one.

We also went over to the Golden Gate bridge and did a little sight seeing. The tole for that bridge though has gone up to $5, so be prepared to pay if you're gonna cross it. We totally lucked out....3 people in the car...guess what that means? Car pool....3 or more people and you cross for FREE! See people it pays to car pool...saved $5 that day = ) With all that said we got some great shots of the bridge and city from the other side of the bridge. Another thing I would recomend you do if you're in the area.

Food For Thought:
If you ever go to the bay area when its prime raining season...where closed toed shoes and not flip flops like I did. I wound up at Payless Shoe Store getting a cheep pair of tennies, to which I now love.


Mandy Sue said...

LOL. Yeah, I don't know if I would consider a nice 'little' city. As for the close toed shoes, awesome that you found a pair that you love!
Now you have made my highly jealous of shoes and you got to go to San Fran..Not sure which order to put that in...

Rational Icthus said...

Mandy's got shrimp, the GG bridge, alcatraz... what does she pick to comment on? Shoes.

What a girl.

Stacy said...

And you sound shocked that she would comment on something like that?

As if a girl had never commented on a pair of shoes before.

Zachary J. Miles said...

It's not an issue of just commenting on them... girls just don't shut up about them. I would know, I work with four of them... I've lived with two. I think it's in their blood.

Mandy Sue said...

Okay, I was JOKING! Now, I could go into a detailed explanation of why I love SF, but I will give you just one for now, as I am way too lazy for that.
My football team is there. Go 49ers!!

Mandy Sue said...

Yeah, I know. You're telling me.

And Zach, next time you decide to slam girls about talking about shoes all the time, you should remember that you aren't all that much better. Mr. "I'm buying red converses tomorrow"