Tuesday, April 24, 2007

BUSTED...and still...NOTHING...and still...RANDOM

Yeah I'm pretty much toast...I truly honestly thought I would be able to get away with leaving a comment on someone else's page without posting tonight. But wouldn't you know it, I done been caught...red handed!

Speaking of red handed...my fingers are red right now...I'm enjoying a big bag of HOT Cheetos. Oh so yummy! Nothing better than a bag of HOT Cheetos while watching American Idol. Those two go hand in hand. Anyone else out there hooked on American Idol like I am? If so who's your favorite?? My top two would have to be Melinda Dolittle and Blake Lewis.

So we went down to Woodlake this weekend for a GREAT weekend of So. Gospel music (if you haven't already, check out my new video on Bebo....it's a highlite from this weekend that I think you might enjoy). So on our way home, we passed by this church, and I just had to take the picture. Take into consideration when you look at this picture that I took it while we were driving by it at an incredibly HIGH rate of speed. Enjoy


Zachary J. Miles said...

Alas my favorite idol is no more . . . what shall I do now that Sanjiah is gone? What will I do?!

Mandy Sue said...

Zach's a dork.

Haha....how fitting that you got caught red-handed and your fingers are red from the Cheetos you are eating.

I'm gonna have to check out that video later...I'm trying to make myself work on homework at the moment. As you can see, I must not be trying very hard ;)

Stacy said...

Yeah come back to my sight more often, I have all these great posts milling around in my head just DYING to get out. In fact I'm going to post one right now that you may find, uh, well, rather interesting.