Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day Blogging Buddies

To all my dear blogging buddies I would like to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day! Yes I know I am day early and yes I know it is usually a day for lovy dovy couples (we shall see what tomorrow has in store), but as Mandy so nicely put it over on her page (wanted to give a little shout out to the Manders blog), it is also a day to show your love to your friends and family. And well I kind of feel like my blogging buddies are like my family. I mean come on we're always on here venting to each other or sharing our latest embaresment or frustration....well I think you get the idea. So heres to all my family members in the blog world!

Love you guys, you're great!

Happy Valentines Day!


Mandy Sue said...

Awww I feel so special. Not only did my blog get a shout out--which is awfully nice since it seems that you are the only one who ever reads it these days--but I also got a happy valentine's day!

That makes me feel are warm and fuzzy inside....like mold..get it?

Oh no...terrible pun alert! Where's Chris when you need him?

MsPoppins20 said...

Aww... thanks Stacy! I want to hear all about your Valentine's Day, since I live vicariously through all of you coupled people out there! =)