Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sicko in the Cafe

Boy do I ever know how to pick out the locations. So I walk into a cafe (which I've been to a number of times) to use their WIFI...I sit down in a booth and this guy very stratigacally (not a clue if that is spelled right) places himself in a booth where he can watch not only me, but a lady in a booth in front of me. SICKO!! He has now been "watching" me and this lady for the past 45 min. I think I'm going to have to move to the other side of the booth so I he can no longer see me.

First I run into problems at the library, and then just when I think it's safe and I go to a nice cafe....

I find another creep!

1 comment:

Mandy Sue said...

Wow.....lucky you, Stace.

That IS pretty crazy though...yikes!