Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Christmas Tree

Yesterday I finally caved and took down my Christmas Tree. After it beeing up for well over a month I decided it was probably time to take it down. With Valentines day around the corner and all I figured now may be a good time to take down all the Christms decorations! However at what point do you say, it's time to take down the tree? I mean come on is there really a date that you should officially have your tree down by??


Mandy Sue said...

Technically I think the correct etiquette is New year's day, but You aren't looked down upon if you wait a week or so after.

So are you planning on decorating for Valentines day?

Stacy said...

Oh I'm all over it, I took one decoration (thats red) and kind of turned it into a decoration for my dinner table (you know the one I never use :) )

Its this nice red velvity runner that I ususally use on my coffee table, with little christmas decorations and everything. But after taking everything down I still really wanted to use the runner. So I moved it over to my table and put this cute silver thing on top of it (one of the silver beeds from my cabin door thingy....that broke off).

So yeah with all that said I guess you could say I am officially decorated for Valentines Day :) What about you Mandy??

Zachary J. Miles said...

Well I'm glad you asked because it is quite tricky. The general rule of thumb is that you leave the tree and all other decorations up for no longer than the current year. I mean seriously, what's the point of leaving it up even that long.

And don't get me started on the Christmas lights!

Bryan said...

Sane people usually have it down the first week in January.

Stacy said...

So what are you emplying that I am not sane??