Thursday, August 03, 2006

Library Visits

So as I sit in this quiet peaceful library I realize that it has been WAY too long since my last post. And I like my brother have not ONE good excuse as to why it has taken me so long to post. Other than the fact that I'm completely lazy = ) I mean come on now 108 degree weather for 12 days straight (with a couple of 110-111 degree) will "knock" a person out for a good while.

Oh yeah another clue it had been a long time since I last posted was the fact that I tried logging in 3 diff. times and all 3 times it told me I had the wrong username and password (go figure) But needless to say all is better now, my password has been re-set and I'm good as new = )

So these last few days I've been coming to the library after work to get on the internet and of course check out books (cause I LOVE to read) and as I mentioned at the top of my blog..."as I sit in this quiet peaceful library"....not all my visits to the library have been exactly peaceful. Take for instance these few examples...

A. Group of teenagers have found their new "hang out for the summer" while mommy and daddy are at work.
Note to self: Summer is the WRONG time to come to the library to relax

B. Those who have a voice with ONE volume....LOUD....should be required by law to leave their voices at the door!

C. If you don't know how to type on a computer with out reading aloud EVERYTHING your typing you should not be aloud to use the computers in a "quiet" setting. Oh and when you make a mistake please, I request PLEASE do not grunt at the top of your lungs as if you are a Pig. Hit the delete button it works every time = )

So next time you feel the need to go to you Library think of my 3 reasons why NOT to go.


LaDonna said...

Very persuasive, Stacy. You have now convinced me to avoid the library at all costs ;)

Stacy said...

Well I thought I would just give my perspective on the Library and what has been happening to me, the last few times I've gone there = )

Am I the only one who has had this experiance before??

Oh update on the guy who was reading everything aloud while typing as well as grunting....he was back last night after I finished my post. So this time in stead of grunting when he made a mistake he would hit his knee on the under side of the desk a bunch of times and then look around to see if anyone was watching him. He did this more than once.....

Yeah weird duck....

Mandy Sue said...

Ummm...yeah, don't think I've quite had that experience before, Stace. But I will say it was entertaining to read.

About the only problem I run into when I go to the library in Medford, is that I always manage to run into someone I know, which is understandable due to the size of Medford. *rolling eyes* So then I end up sitting and chatting, instead of doing whatever it was I went there to do!

Bryan said...

Wha? A post. Who is this person?

Zachary J. Miles said...

Well I have a better reason... I don't read! I have no need of this place you call "the library". LOL!

LaDonna said...

Don't worry, Stacy, you're not alone. I've had similar experiences in my school's library. There's this girl who sings whenever she's on the computer and another guy who has the most obnoxious laugh, which wouldn't be horrible if he weren't constantly laughing. I understand a giggle or snicker here and there if something's funny, but you've gotta take into consideration that you're not the only one there.

Stacy said...


Someone who can relate to my Library drama. So a little follow up to my "friend" who talks and types at the same time. Ever since I have posted about him, he has been in the Library every day and stares at me every time he sees me. I don't think he's all the way there. Could be wrong and I would feel horrible to pass this judgement on someone I don't know....but......

Falling LEAVes said...

and this is the place i want to work in one day??

Stacy said...

Well I hope that the Library you work in is MUCH better than the one here in Sacramento that I go to.

Falling LEAVes said...

That one day may be sooner than we think. And it won't be a public setting, but a high school one. YIKES