Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mr. Butts

has decided to give us all nick names. If you've not yet seen your's let me fill you in. I happen to be "perusing" Matt's blog today and came across the section that says "Blogs I Peruse". So I thought I would check it out and see who else he has. To my surprise I found these listings....

"Mr. Mouth"
"Mr. Annoying Lil' Brother"
"Marian Libraian"
"Mono Girl"
"Twig Boy"
"Fake A Bake"
"Doorbell Freak"
"Direct Question Girl"

I for the most part was able to guess who each one was, although I was rather shocked when I saw which one was me.

FAKE A BAKE!!!!! I can see how the others match up VERY well (No names mentioned), but mine? Where did you come up with that one Mr. Butt's?

Allow me to fill you in, if for some reason you don't know who you are....

Mr. Mouth - Our very own Bryan Hinkle
Mr. Annoying Lil' Brother - The one and only Chris Luka (I'm sure Zach would fit in this category if it were me typing this ya Zach = ) )
Marian Librarian - L.A.'s own Linda Eaves
Mono Girl - None other than Mindy Meeds
Twig Boy - My "LITTLE" brother Zach
Fake A Bake - I guess thats me??
Doorbell Freak - Seattle's Best Melina Wilson
Direct Question Girl - Medford's Mandy

So in honor of our dear friend Matt, why don't we brain storm some ideas for his Nick Name = )


Rational Icthus said...

So did he chicken out and delete the post? I can't find it on his blog.

Rational Icthus said...

I'll leave the names to you. It's way to dangerous for me to get involved here...


Stacy said...

Oh no it's not in his blog it's on the right hand side in the column of info. See below.....

About Me
Name:Matthew Luka
Location:Medford, Oregon, United States
View my complete profile

Previous Posts
Pain In My Butt
Mother's Chair
I'm Baaaaack!!!
Stop the ride, I'd like to get off!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Wanted: A Smart and Quirky Post Topic
Romance Books


Blogs I Peruse
Mr. Mouth
My Annoying Lil' Brother
Marian Librarian
Mono Girl
Twig Boy
Direct Question Girl

Come on Chris, please don't hold back. You know you want to be a part of this, after all he did call you "My Annoying Lil' Brother"

Stacy said...

Wow, I'll take that as a compliment...I think?

I'm sure you thought long and hard on Chris & Bry's = )

Mandy Sue said...

Matt! You liar, Stacy's was the first one you came up with!! You were talking to me when you did it remember? Don't try to play innocent!!! As for a name for Matt, hmmm, there are SOOO many possibilities, I'll have to get back to you

Rational Icthus said...

Oh, foolish me. Should've read more carefully. Still, Matt mocked my genius status, so maybe I will come up with some names for the big guy...

I'm voting for Super Fluff. We called him that when he was a baby, cuz out of the bath his hair would just FRO! It took on a new meaning one day. He was taking a bath, and these little tiny air bubbles made their way to the surface of the bath water.

Super Fluff!

Rational Icthus said...

BTW, I'm sure the fluffing (both hair and otherwise) still apply today.

Stacy said...

Ok make that two for Super Fluff...

See Chris I knew you would have something for us.

Mandy Sue said...

LOL! Super Fluff! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I vote for that too!

MsPoppins20 said...

I value my life, so I think the best course of action for me is to keep my mouth shut on this subject!

(Either that, or I am afraid of blackmail. Not sure which it is)

Stacy said...

Yeah I think if I were you Melina I would keep my mouth shut as well.

Although it would be fun to hear your nick name for him.

Bryan said...

Let me remind you there isn't much "Fluff" on top these days.

Rack Attack
Steel Slayer
Bleeding Buttocks Luka

That should be enough to have a fair election.

Stacy said...

My vote is for ButtPunch and Rack Attack

These are all good though, keep them coming

Mandy Sue said...

The only reason you say that is because you don't like it!! as for the names Bryan came up with...I vote for steel slayer!!

Stacy said...

Sorry I don't think I saw Buns of Steel on our list.

And besides we didn't have any input on our names there for what gives you the right to have a "vote" for you name.

Not a chance Steel Slayer

Anonymous said...

I like "Pole Position," but you have to be old enough to remember the game...

Stacy said...

Well I see that my name didn't change...didn't think it would.

Oh yeah and "Anonymous" please identify yourself or else you get deleated.

Sorry Blogger Rules

Stacy said...

Nope I'm still voting for Rack Attack & Steel Slayer

Now those are classic!

Rational Icthus said...

Sorry, Pole Position was my comment, somehow came across anonymous.

Stacy said...

Thanks for identifying yourself, although I should have known it was you.

Rational Icthus said...

To paraphrase what you wrote on Zach's site...

Stacy, I think its time for a new post. Just a thought but I think it's time........