Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Up north...kind of. So this weekend is Jay & Kimberly's wedding, or is Kimberly & Jay's wedding? I've seen a few things that say Kimberly & Jay, but I always thought you said the guys name first? Or does it depend on the couple?

Clearification please......

Ok so thats not really what I was going to post about, I was actually going to see how many of you fine Bloggers were heading to Portland for this blessed event? Florin and I will be going up to Medford on Friday and staying there for the weekend, only going to Portland for the wedding and then back to Medford. Who wants to stay in Portland longer than needed, when its not Camp Meeting? I'd be happy to stay in good ol' Medford OR. = ) So that brings me to my next question. For those going from Medford (that is if you are going), will you be staying all weekend in Portland, or going back to Medford? Just curious who all will be in town Sat. Night as well as Sunday. Be fun to hang out.....go to games.....etc.


Bryan said...

Portland. All weekend. Longer if possible.

dancbuxo - that's what I do.

Stacy said...

Enjoy your time....I know we will...In Medford

Rational Icthus said...

We'll be in Portland all weekend. Something about a family wedding...

Mandy Sue said...

Stacy's got it right. The parties gonna be here in Medford, no need to drag out the time spent in Portland when it's not camp meeting. After all, you may have to socialize with Chris!

Stacy said...

Wow Mandy you made a great point. I totally forgot about the "Socializing w/ Chris" factor. I'm so glad you brought that to my attention.

We'll be out of there before you can say.....Um well never mind. I better not = )