Tuesday, February 21, 2006


in Richmond for Special Meetings were good....very exhausting, but good. I actually wasn't there for all the meetings as Florin and I drove back and forth from Sac. to Richmond for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday night services. Saturday night was acutally a little concert with groups from different branch churches. Lets see her Richmond, Sacramento & LA were represented..... But I think we're missing a few churches in there....MEDFORD, TACOMA, SEATTLE...just to name a few = )

We had a nice time visiting with the Shelly & Juan. For those who don't know who that is, that would be Matt and Chris' very smart and wise sister, after all she had to put up with them all her life.


Rational Icthus said...

Shelley is LUCKY to have brothers like us. She is what she is today because of our exceptional child rearing skills...

Bryan said...

I was gonna go, but then I remembered that Richmond was in California.

Rational Icthus said...

I haven't seen Stacy in Tacoma lately, uh, NEVER! We asked first!

Stacy said...

Wow, such harsh words toward California. What's going on with that??

Asked first huh...this is true, you guys did ask me first. I would like to come up there and visit, I've never been to Tacoma before. Only in passing through on my way to Seattle = )

Bryan, whats your real excuse...Don't be a hatter of California!

MsPoppins20 said...

My excuse: I was in Canada supporting Langely's special meetings. How many of you can say that you ever went to special meetings in Langley, huh? My dad kept reminding us in the prayer room about the special meetings though.

And Stacy, I think I remember a promise you made me that you and Florin were gonna come visit me in Seattle. The last time you were here, I was a freshman in college! Come on, whats up with that? =)

Rational Icthus said...

Uh, I can say I've been to Langley special meetings. So there!

Stacy said...

Make that two that can say they've been to the Langley Special Meetings....Bet you weren't expecting that come back were you = )

Yes we did say that we were going to come up and visit, but I don't believe we gave a specific date??

So technically we could still that we want to come up and visit, just don't know a for sure date = )

MsPoppins20 said...

Actually, I remembered that you had come with us once Stacy. I think it was when you were up here that one year over spring break. Anyways, yah, I guess you didn't give a set date. But you hinted heavily about the 50th anniversary ;)

Anonymous said...

Does Vancouver regular Sunday services count? Been there.

MsPoppins20 said...

Sure, why not =)