Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Love This Picture....

It speaks so much volume....

Nice work Shalee = )

Shhh don't tell your dad


Zachary J. Miles said...

Soooooo yeah... not sure Rob will like that picture but I LOVE it. Not to say I love PEPSI, because I hate PEPSI. But that is priceless. Way to go Shalee!

Stacy said...

Is this not the best picture in the ENTIRE world...

Rational Icthus said...

Awesome! I think we ought to blow it up to poster size and ship it to Angie to frame and put on their wall @ home.

Stacy said...

That's a great idea, I'm willing to do it! I know Rob would absolutley cherrish this picture = )

Bryan said...

Clearly Photoshopped. I think Andrews' melt if they accidentally brush a can of Pepsi.

Bryan said...

Plus I hate Diet Pepsi's new slogan: "Brown and Bubbly". What is it? A can of diarrhea?

Stacy said...

Ok well we all know this picture was not photoshopped, it's the real thing.

Shalee proving to America that Coke is not the only way to go.

"A can of diarrhea?"...Come on Bry

Mandy Sue said...

Absolutely awesome! Thats all I have to say.

Stacy said...


MsPoppins20 said...

That was a good one Matthew.

Maybe I'm just not cool enough cause I don't live down there in Medford, but how is this funny? Help?

Stacy said...

Sorry I forgot there maybe a few that don't realize how CLASSIC this picture is.

Rob (Shalee's dad) is a complete COKE FANATIC. Everything is about Coke, he used to say that he never wanted Pepsi products brought into his house. And so at the Youth Conferance, someone gave Shalee this can of Pepsi and took her picture.

I guess you could say to drink pepsi is to "sin" in Rob's eyes.

Stacy said...

Thus the reason why we all love this picture....Goes comepletly against everything Rob has tought Shalee

Rational Icthus said...

Has Rob seen it yet? What about Angie?

Stacy said...

No I don't think they know about our blog's. Maybe one of you Medford Bloggers should inform them of this WONDERFUL picture = )

Stacy said...

So has anyone mentioned this to Rob & Angie?

I heard a group of you went out last night to DQ......Was this picture mentioned?

Stacy said...

This should be GREAT!!!

Did Rob or Ang sound at all interested in seeing the picture?

Mandy Sue said...

Unfortunately, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and all, but Angie had already seen the picture, and she does love it. As for Rob, she said that he doesn't much care for it, though she can't figure out why. Never seen a picture of her girls where they aren't adorable.

Stacy said...

I assumed they had already seen it, but I just thought it would be fun for them to see it on here.