Friday, February 10, 2006

Beautiful Day...

here in Sacramento! The weather is well can we say PERFECT!! Something tells me though that its not going to last much longer. If I'm not mistaken the ground hog saw his shadow...doesn't that mean 6 more weeks of winter? Sure doesn't look or feel like that here = )

Can I just throw something out there completley opposite of where I was actually going with this post?? And I know I will have some great feadback on this (Melina...your a girl...please don't let me down. I know the guys are going to attack this one)....


Do I need to say anymore other than the fact that this REALLY bothers me?

Feedback would be great....


Bryan said...

You have a problem with wearing make up at church or not being able to look like a Jezabelle in church. A little clarity goes a long ways.

Stacy said...

No..I don't have the problem wearing makeup. And I'm not talking about a little foundation to cover a zit.

I'm talking about those involved in the work and wearing bright eye makeup etc.

I guess maybe you could say I'm a little "confused" because growing up I was always told no makeup? So to see it allowed and not questioned makes me wonder??

Zachary J. Miles said...

So Matt... you like em hairy huh? ALL NATURAL!! BLAGH!! But hey... at leat you are being honest Matt. Honesty is the first step to revovery.

Personally, I don't think a girl needs makeup to look beautiful(i'm not talking about cover up and such cuz... well... lets face it, it helps.) I am however talking about eye shadow, eye liner, blush, etc. To me, that makes a girl less attractive than anything and I would like to throw up a little.

Stacy said...

Ok so I know there is nothing that
"I" can do about it, but what if this is something that really bothers you?

Rational Icthus said...

Makeup is OK in some cases. If they were ever able to make a coverup that made your chin look smaller, I think Matt should start using it right away.

Seriously, though...

I think the defining principle here is modesty. I don't mean plunging necklines and miniskirts -- I mean a modesty of the heart that wants people to look at you and see the Lord instead of seeing you.

I don't really have a problem with makeup, and I think that's consistent with the church view. Most women now wear coverup, and some a bit more. In fact, my wife has this green makeup that hides zits that is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! I use it whenever necessary. The difference to me is whether a woman (or man, I guess - ICK!) looks natural or not. If I look at her and see makeup, I'm probably gonna have a problem with it. If I don't notice, no big deal.

Bryan said...

Matt, you have wonderful chins.

Now what if they are dog ugly? I mean, grocery bag ugly. A little mascara goes a long way.

Kidding aside, I do prefer the natural looking woman. Just the way God made her, thank you very much.

Maybe with a touch of cover-up.

Stacy said...

Oh that green stuff that Chris is talking about is GREAT!! Works miracles = ) My only question is this...Why are you using it Chris?

Ok so coverup isn't really the question...I have something specific in mind, but I'm trying to be careful in what or how I say it.

Blue/Green eye makeup...Pink, Orange, Red nails etc.??

Do I have to say more??

Rational Icthus said...

If God wanted your nails to be red or your eyelids to be blue...

Stacy said...

Growing up I was always taught that and when I put on "lip gloss" that was shining my parents always questioned me.

I'm glad they raised me that way.

So why all of a sudden is it being accepted and OK? Is it because "we're" too afraid to speak up and say anything to that/those individual(s) for fear they may be offended and leave the church?

I think of the "younger" generation (teenage girls) that is supposed to be looking up to us....

Rational Icthus said...

Younger generation nuthin'.

I just saw a near-thirty-year-old at Tacoma/Seattle/Port Angeles Ordinance service with painted fingernails, seriously pink! And she's in the work.

I'm' not sure why the sudden change. It's not happening in Tacoma, but I have noticed it other places and it's not "subtle" at all.

Got me.

Bryan said...

Not everyone is as naturally beautiful as you Stacy. Chris, keep using the green stuff so I can keep making fun of you.

Rational Icthus said...

Go for it Bryan. Unfortunately, I could cover you in entirely and still see you...

Stacy said...

Uh...Umm...Thank You... O = )