Saturday, January 07, 2006


so things were a little busy for a while there and I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. But I think I have finally found a small light that is starting to shine. So with that said, back to blogging I go.

Yet again Melina has come through for me and informed me of my lack of Blogging. I realize that we have now gone through Christmas and New Years and my last post is dated from Nov. 26, 2005. Yeah a lot has happened and I'm really not going to go into any great lengths to explain it all. I had a great Christmas back in Medford and New Years well......I will say this, we didn't have a Watch Night Service this year. Instead they decided to have a little gathering on Sunday night (after the New Year). Hmm.....just not the same. Whats New Year's without a Watch Night service? I don't know call me old fashioned and "traditional" but I really missed having a Watch Night Service this year. Am I the only one who enjoys these gatherings?


MsPoppins20 said...

I am just lame enough that when we don't hold a watch night service... I have NO clue as to what I am supposed to be doing with myself. Since I'm not a big party girl, although I know you all thought that I was =)

Falling LEAVes said...

Here's what you can do... write a bunch of posts, change the date, and that way, it looks like you have been keeping up with the posting

Stacy said...

Yeah I think I'm with Mspoppins on this one. This is my first year in well... a REALLY long time that I haven't had a Watch Night Service to go to. So what do we Non-Party Girls do?

Not a clue.....

Bryan said...

Learn how to party. Makes some memories. And regrets. :)

Rational Icthus said...

Or go to a church that had a watch night service. We went to Dallas. What fun!

Rational Icthus said...

Or hold your own watch night service, for that matter. There's no rule that says you can't have a bunch of people over, play games, then pray the old year out and the new year in!

MsPoppins20 said...

I would have loved to have gone somewhere else... but seeing as how I was supposed to be teaching sunday school the next morning, that wasn't a good option. Also, being a pastor and all, my dad gets a little worried if you stay up past, oh say 10:30, on a Saturday night... so I knew that I would have to leave the house to make that one work too. Don't get me wrong, I had fun New Year's Eve, I just miss watch nights.

And as for that learning how to party bit, I know how to party... don't you go worrying about that ;) I simply said that I wasn't a BIG party girl.

Rational Icthus said...

What, so you're not a "big" party girl, but the rest of us are FAT?


P.S. - the special "type-it-or-you-can't-post" word is "movyn." I'm resisting the urge to dance on my desk at work.

Stacy said...

So true, I could have driven over to Richmond for a Watch Night Service, but if my memory serves me correctly that was when part of 80 was flooded and you couldn't get over there. So that left me in Sacramento.

I would have loved to have been back in Medford for their Watch Night Service. Maybe this year....

Dancing on your desk at work...That creates a mental picture I'm not sure I'm ready to accept.

My word is "oaaviqa" any guesses on what that one means?

Rational Icthus said...

January 7th? Seventh??!!

You gotta start posting or I'm putting your blog back in the morgue!


Stacy said...

Ok I will do my very best to keep this thing current. Although I will say that now I see what it takes to get people to visit my blog and post....wait a month to post anything. Then you all come out of the wood-works = )

You weren't doing very good yourself Mr. Rational

Rational Icthus said...

Who said I'm rational? Boy, you really don't know me, do you?


Rational Icthus said...

And my lack of posting is relatively minor to your brother's good ol' two-month-old Thanksgiving greetings!

: )