this year was spent down in Woodlake, CA. For those of you who don't know where this wonderful little town is, it's located in the middle of a bunch of Orange Orchards south of Sacramento. If you don't know where Sacramento is, well then get a map and find it.
So we spent Sat. at Pismo Beach, which was an absolute blast! The weather couldn't have been any better, COLD!! So while we were there we went to this really cool restaurant called McLintock's. One of the "fun features" of this restaurant is for the waiters to place your water glass on your head, from there stand on a chair, blindfolded and pour the water, hopefully making into the glass. I was originally going to do, but then I think my dear brother felt bad for me and decided he would do it, since he didn't really have the hair to mess up. As you can probably see by Zach's expression, he did miss the cup a couple of times, but for the most part he got all the water in.
So needless to say, Zach walked out of there a little on the chilly side.
So if ever your down in Southern California (San Louis Bispo area) @ Pismo Beach, go check out McLintocks and ask them to do the "Water Trick" for you.
I like this picture. It is such a classic "Zach" face. I guess I will let all you guys figure out what that means, cause I'm not quite sure myself =)
Hey there thanks for the comment! Greatly appreciated!
Didn't know you had your own blogg now, this is very cool. I will now be adding you to my list of blogs I view.
I guess its probably time to post soemthing new, this is getting rather old I see = )
You coming down to Sac. Special Meetings?
No, I can't make it to Sac special meetings because they fall right during the middle of marching band, plus I am already missing too much school this quarter. I would like to go, but alas, you will have to deal without me =)
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