Monday, August 15, 2005


has become my new topic of intrest. For the guys out there that do their own laundry and their mothers no longer do it for them, I would like to know how it is you "seperate" them and wash them.

Darks vs. lights / Hot vs. cold etc.

Girls I would like to hear from you as well...this isn't just for the guys. It just seems as if there is some disagreements as to how all this should be done. Who knows maybe I've been doing it wrong all my life. What do I know?

So bottom there a wrong or a right way, because apperantly there might be....

Please advise


Stacy said...


I guess that's one way to do it. Put it all together in one big wash (kind of like one big happy family) and hope for the best.

But I'm afraid it's a little more dificult than that for us girls, well maybe for guys as well. For me though I have way to many clothes (colors) to put all together.

But good idea if it works for you.

Rational Icthus said...

Recipe for uptight bachelor laundry:

1) White underthingies go in big hole in top of washer. Pour in bleach until the fumes make you pass out. Add soap. Add more soap. Think about what mom said about germs and add more soap. Wash on hot. YES I KNOW HOT WATER KILLS BLEACH BUT IT MAKES ME *FEEL* CLEAN!

2) Finish cleaning up suds on floor from #1. Wash other whites and super-light colors in cold.

3) Wash lighter coloreds that missed the cut on #2 with color-safe bleach and cold.

4) Wash darks on cold.

Or get married. That worked for me just fine!

By the way, my WOW #1's CD just had Kirk Franklin say that they're gonna have a "Holy Ghost Party." I'm not sure I'm OK with that. Anyone?

And what does "Put yo han's togetheh and act like you know up in heah..." mean? Can somebody put that in 30-year-old white-boy English?

Stacy said...

Well I will have to say that I think you hit the nail on the head as to a bachelor's recipe to laundry.

Women do know what their doing when it comes to doing laundry and "house cleaning" stuff.

As for the Kirk Franklin song, I'm not too sure I know what that means myself. But I do know which song it is your talking about. Anyone else know what it means?

Rational Icthus said...

So are you saying that women do laundry better than men?

Rational Icthus said...

Gotta admit, it's a fun song to groove to in the minivan.

Now there's a picture... chubby, almost-thirty-year-old white male with zero (0) dancing skills gittin' his groove on to black gospel in a minivan.

Yeah, I'm the man.

Rational Icthus said...


Bryan said...

Well, what I do is go down to the creek with a washboard, slather the clothes with soap and give 'em some good old fashioned elbow grease. Then I hang on the line....

Nah, I'm jokin'. I put my clothes in a magical hamper and they come out clean like a day or so later. Its amazing.

I'll try to find out where my parents got the magical hamper so you guys can get one. They're pretty handy.

Zachary J. Miles said...

Well, I must say that mom isn't allowed to do my laundry anymore, not becuase of the washing aspect of it but because of the step directly following the washing... the drying stage. Yeah, like 80% of my clothes would be shot if they went in the dryer.

Anyways, as far as washing the clothes, I usually can't just put them all in at once because by the time I decide to do my laundry,'s overflowing, so seperate loads are a must! So usually it goes, undergarments, lights, darks, and a load of odd colors that I'm just not quite sure what to do with.

DhiRAj SinGh said...

Read bout some other kind of laundry at

Stacy said...

Wow, sounds like we have a few mom's out there still doing their son's laundry. You poor poor souls. When you gonna learn to do your own laundry?

Thanks for checkin' out my site... It's been a new adventure for me, but I've really enjoyed it.

Thanks to those who got me started on this whole blogging thing = )

Bryan said...

Let's not confuse "know how to do laundry" and "letting someone else do your laundry". Very different concepts, equal results.

Just to clarify.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stacy ~

Nice blog! Tricia told me about it so I came here to check it out. Well, concerning the question of laundry ...
I usually separate by colors such as whites, darks, bright colors (red, orange, pink, etc.). I also wash a seperate load for kitchen and cleaning towels because it just seems pretty nasty to me to wash those things with my clothes.

As far as hot vs. cold water, I have not put too much thought into that before. Usually I just go somewhere in between.

Just my two cents worth.
- Your friend Sarah (from the ORIGINAL 3!)

Stacy said...

Hey Sarah!

Thanks for stopping by my blogging site. Great to hear from you. Send me your e-mail address so I can e-mail you the pictures from camp meeting that we (The original 3) took at camp.

Thanks for the insight on washing laundry, I was having a little "debate" with someone as to how it was supposed to be done, so I thought I'd puprose the question to others to see what others did. Now I know = )


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