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Political Artwork...
that is currently posted in a state office here in Sacramento is raising a few eyebrows. The name of the art work is "T'anks to Mr. Bush" The same gentlemen who painted this painting recently had a display in front of his house of a soldier mannequin hanging from a noose with anti-war, anti-Bush sentiments. Freedom of Speech?For the full story visit
Follow this equation: Liberal makes painting, liberals incharge of the gallery allow it to be displayed, liberal media brodcasts it like it's the biggest story around. So what does that project? It projects that the painting represents the public's views.
Well fact of the matter is, sure there are a lot of liberals who are out of touch with what counts in life, specifically in America, but who's in charge of our government?
Let's take a look at the Congress: Republicans. How about the Presidency: Republican. Who votes for all these people? The people. So in other words, the majority of the people support the President, as recently witnessed in the 2004 election (most votes received by any President in United States history by the way).
And therefore, the media's attempts to make anyone who believes that abortion is wrong, that our soldiers are heros not killers, that Al Qaeda is bad, that the Ten Commandments should be allowed in courtrooms, as out of touch with the mainstream, well, people, well more specifically people like this liberal artist and the media, need to be reminded that the majority of this country sides with the President as evidenced by the 2004 election, as evidenced by the majority of Republicans in the Senate, as evidenced by the majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives, and as evidenced by the majority of governors in the country that are Republican.
Moral of this post? Based on the facts given in this post, the majority of the country support people who share Republican views. And that view is not one that America is going down the toilet. It is one that America is the Land of the Free because of the Brave. A view that we are at war against a real enemy. It is not Bush's war. It is not the Republican's war. It it's freedom's war. God Bless America.
Hey Stace! Nice blog! I still haven't managed to get any of my pictures up, so you've beat me there. The weather has been around 100 or 104 this week and so a bunch of us went to the river yesterday!!!
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