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Girls Night...
out with a few knuckleheads was fun as always. Didn't have as big of a turn out as we thought we might have, but none the less we still had a good time. A few of us got together over at Round Table Pizza for dinner. The kids were wild as ever, but thankfully we were able to get a back room where the kids could run WILD.
Question: Why is that when the guys get together they never take the kids with them, but when the girls get together the girls always have to? I've always wondered that, and maybe some day I'll have that answer. Just doesn't seem very fair to me... Shouldn't the girls get their time alone together as well?
So yeah we had a good time, kids and all...
Do you argue against other natural laws like gravity as well?
I figured I would get a response such as that from a male.
So what you're saying is that children are burdens? Did you forget that it took two people to create the child and it takes two people to raise the child.
Therefore its a responsability of both the mother and the father to take after the children. Not just one or thee other.
Ok girls where are you... I could use some back up right about now = )
Nope what?
You can't leave it open ended like that...
What is the Nope for?
Its okay Stacy, I'm here for you...! Those Luka guys have always been a little crazy in the head, so I would take what they say with a grain of salt. As for Bryan, well, I am pretty sure there is NO excuse for Bryan, ya know, wanting to run around and deliver pizzas naked and all =) And I am sure Zach will respond, so when he comes along, we all know that he suffered a great brain injury about 10 years ago. Something about a wheelchair in the babyroom at campmeeting... On a more serious tone, I am sure that all of these guys would be more than willing to do their fair share, but it is odd how the women do seem to get to take the kids along on their "outings." Maybe something about you guys going to a restaurant with pizza, and the guys playing basketball where the kids could get run over. Just a thought!
Oh sure I agree with you 100% The apple or rather the Luka boys didn't fall too far from the tree. That is very clear by their comments... As for Bryan, yeah when is there an explanation or excuse for him...NEVER
I'm sure the dads could take an outing to the park or something where the kids could play on the playground and the guys could play basketball. And the mom's/girls could go to the mall and go shopping with out children under foot.
Oh yeah and another thought, how often did you see the dads hangin' out around the fish pond during camp with the kids? I don't know about you, but I don't recall seeing too many dad's hanging out there.
By the way...
Thanks Mel!!
You asked the question, and I quote: "Shouldn't the girls get their time alone together as well?"
Let me refer to the wisdom of one William Cosby:
Dads are geniuses. When they are given a job to do by their wife, the mess up and act like an idiot on purpose. This becomes so frustrating to the wife that she shoves the man aside and does the job herself. She will consequently never ask him to do that job again. He is home free.
Just apply that to the whole "kids" paradigm, and you will see man's true genius.
Well, if you don't feel that we should get time alone, then maybe you should stop making fun of us for all going to the restroom at the same time. Hey, its the only time we can get! [sarcasim duly noted]
Umm, Bry, you are not supposed to admit that sort of thing until AFTER you are married, when it is too late to do anything about it. Now all the girls will be on to your little game...
Nice job Mel...You called him on that one. But you see Bry just showed how stupid men really can be (by admitting their "secrets")
Nah, I can overpower them with my charm. Don't you see the line of ladies just waiting to be eye candy hanging on my arm.
Don't you see them!!!?
Let's not get into an argument on proof of which sex is the dumber one.
I believe there is adequate evidence on both sides.
Good point Mel, I forget that everytime we go to the restroom in mass they freak out and make a big deal about it.
Eye candy hanging on your arm...
Come on now, isn't that a little extreme?
Yup... Im not seeing the line of girls jostling to be your "arm candy" Bryan. Perhaps it is that charming personality of yours? =)
Confidental to all persons with two X chromosomes: I don't particularly enjoy going to the restroom with lots of other girls, but I do it because it gets such a big reaction out of the guys!
Eye candy on Bry's arm... Hmm...
Isn't that a bit like finding a piece of peppermint candy on the floor of a Mexican restaurant's bathroom while you're... well, you know.
Just a thought.
And, for those who didn't get that, the candy's fine. It's what the candy's "on" that's the problem... Jillian said she didn't get it, so I thought I'd better explain for the benefit of the weaker vessels.
As for the fish pond, I spent many times there during camp having conversations with other dads while we ignored our kids.
*sighs and shakes head*
I'm not about to insult your wife, so you got me cornered on that one Fish Boy.
Good one.
Wow I can't believe you just admitted to not watching your kids. Especially while they're playing around the fish fountain.
Finding candy on the floor in the bathroom at a Mexican Restaurant...
That really does paint a funny mental picture that I didn't need painted...
On the floor.
Well... I don't know about anyone else around here, but I am now THOROUGHLY convinced that we should never let Matthew around little kids... or have little darlings of his own for that matter. The issue is not in whether or not they will be rescued in time, it is just in the fact that you are willing to LET YOUR KID FALL IN A FISH POND!!! For crying out loud.... some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce =)
Fish boy? FISH BOY?
That's it. Step outside, buddy.
And Mel, Matt's good with kids. It's just the whole "men can only focus on one thing at a..."
Huh? Oh, sorry. Got sidetracked.
"Men can only focus on one thing at a....."
Wow you just opened up an entirely new topic. You do realize that don't you?
I mean I'm just glad you went straight to the point and spoke the truth up front.
Bottom line...Guys can't multi-task
Whad'ya mean guys can't multitask??!!
Ask my wife. She'll tell you that I can sleep and take a shower at the same time. Do it almost every morning!
My point exactly....if your sleeping you clearly are not taking a shower.
So do I rest my case?
I shower!
Not at all! I may be asleep under the spray, but I'm still in the shower. What would you call it except showering? Sleepering?
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